I'm A Lion!

"When Leo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is often fireworks! Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest. This couple is full of life and fun to be around, with each person encouraging the other to aim high! Sagittarius's philosophical tendency warrants a distraction to Leo's obsession with the larger-than-life. The two will have genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both are warm, charismatic and charming; people enjoy being in the energy this couple radiates."
Wow, that's totally me and this song. Who say's astrology's a pseudo-science? I mean besides Carl Sagan. What does he know about stars and stuff? Anyway, I hope your sign matches up with this pitch perfect piece of disco cheese. It could be fireworks!
Dream Express- I'm a Lion
Dream Express was Belgium's pick for the Eurovision song contest in 1977. Here's the performance that failed to win Eurovision, but succeeded in winning my cheese loving heart.