Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Night Flight

Pick up this 12" while they still got it! Dudes sell out every time.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Hasbeens
Our dear friend in Rotterdam, Odessa, just sent us this amazing new video by The Hasbeens featuring a single from their upcoming 12" release, available on Clone Records. The Hasbeens feature the talents of Netherland dream team duo, Alden Tyrell and DJ Overdose. Their carefully crafted sound epitomizes the grim glamour of dystopian disco. The video for "You and Me" showcases this appreciation for the murky shadows of night life. Directed by Billy NoMates (Mathilde "Odessa" Karrer and Jasper Verhorevoort) and shot on beautiful RED (for you A/V geeks), the video comes off as a seedy homage to French New Wave cinema in it's existential exploration of the human condition. Look for the boys cruising by in a 'Benz near the end of the video. Love the hangman in the rear view mirror. Nice touch! Keep an eye out for the release, it's going go fast!
New 12" of The Hasbeens (Alden Tyrell & DJ Overdose). Clone Records 2009 - (Clone West Coast Series 03) - Directed by: Billy NoMates (Mathilde Karrer & Jasper Verhorevoort) www.clone.nl - www.reel001.com
New 12" of The Hasbeens (Alden Tyrell & DJ Overdose). Clone Records 2009 - (Clone West Coast Series 03) - Directed by: Billy NoMates (Mathilde Karrer & Jasper Verhorevoort) www.clone.nl - www.reel001.com
Conjured up by
tommy boy
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mago Del Aqua

You might remember our friend Ben Aqua from the amazing Bollywood mix he dropped on us a few months ago. Well, he's back again and bringing the heat. This time sharing with us an exclusive demo from his alter-ego and synth assault project, MVSCLZ. This scorching homage to High-Energy, Italo Disco would make Sylvester swoon and even Lime blush. So hot!
MVSCLZ - Black Magic (Demo)
Apparently we're not the only ones paying attention to Ben's awe inspiring work. His blog, AQUABOTIC was recently featured on director Spike Jonze's "We Love You So-Where The Wild Things Are" website in reference to it's influence on Jonze's film making process. When he's not posting on his blog, or making music, he's actively creating art in the multimedia conglomerate Totally Wreck Production Instute, as well as DJing in the interdimensional outer space outfit, MenRG. He just doesn't quit. Big props to Ben for all his good work. Expect this star to keep rising people. Enjoy this clip of MVSCLZ performing live on Austin Public Access via EIHITV.
Conjured up by
tommy boy
The Beaver Trilogy

Olivia Newton-John hasn't really meant much to me in the past. I never understood the fascination with her body of work. I sort of loathed "Grease" growing up and only recently was able to appreciate the over-the-top kitsch of "Xanadu". Other than her 80's aerobic disco hit, "Physical", I assumed her music catalog was total rubbish. But for some reason her likeness and sound is always close to me, in a sort of 6 degrees of separation kind of way. I have my neighborhood gay karaoke bar to thank for most of it, but at home I'm consistently reminded of her. The image you see above is actually hanging in my living room. A few years ago I found an LP at a thrift store that randomly had 3 fold-out original posters of Olivia in the case. I had just moved into a new place and needed stuff to hang on the walls, so making a collage with this image seemed like a no-brainer. I felt strange creating an homage to an artist I didn't really appreciate, but it was really just kitsch for kitsch sake. So, Olivia's been on my wall looking over me like a catholic Jesus painting for years now, going relatively unnoticed and collecting dust. Little did I know that this image was going to mean something to me later in a totally different light.
A few months ago one of my favorite video blogs, Videothunder, turned me onto this amazing film called "The Beaver Trilogy". My words can't adequately describe how beautiful and bizarre this film is. The story starts out like a documentary as a TV cameraman comes across a lonely, attention starved local yokel (Groovin' Gary) with a strong desire to share his Olivia Newton-John impression with the world. As you can imagine, the movie goes downhill from almost the very start. What really makes this interesting is the unflinching eye of the camera as the absurdity of this story unfolds. This movie is essentially 3 different takes on the same story. The second and third installment of this film feature Sean Penn and Crispin Glover reprising the role of "Groovin' Gary" as they impersonate the impersonator's impression of Olivia. Convoluted enough for you? These performances have to be seen if you're a fan of either actor, especially Crispin Glover's portrayal. Probably my favorite piece he's ever done. I don't know, there's something about this repetition of theme, a story within a story, that really speaks to me. I really find it strange that I found a song I like from Olivia Newton-John because of a horrendous impression of an impersonator. I haven't been able to get this song out of my head. My brain keeps bouncing back and forth between the different takes on this beautiful song. So now when I listen to Olivia, I think of this movie, these dudes, and the picture on my wall. Sort of a Holy Trinity if you will. I'm not one to repeat songs much in a playlist, but this one has been going back to back for a while now. I can't get enough of this track
Olivia Newton-John - Please Don't Keep Me Waiting
I highly recommend grabbing "The Beaver Trilogy", especially if you like movies that are quintessentially kitsch. The movie can be found here in .rar rapidshare form. I'll leave you with a highlight from Crispin's performance which will hopefully entice you to investigate further.
Conjured up by
tommy boy
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