Gonna Get Along
First of all, I want everyone to know that I've wanted to post this song forever. So don't try to tie this in with anything okay? Look at me gettin' all defensive and stuff. Really, it just happens to be one of the all time raddest songs. Viola Wills throws down a sassy lil' disco earworm and man do those video game synth bleeps just push it right over the top. Here's the long version which has a sweet instrumental break in the middle, the original for people who just wanna cut to the chase, and for the historians (and kitsch freaks), Patience and Prudence's 1956 version. Get along now.
Man this track is so brilliant. Perfect soundtrack for that care-free summer shebang.
wow Sean, i swaer, telepathy is at play. For no good reason I played this song a dozen times last week. Love the video. Excellent post, as usual.
Man I'll be humming this all week long. Awesome track!
Classic femininity. Sigh sigh, it's beautiful. All 70's man of the house listening to the record at home yearning for the singer, housewife identifies with the glam sadness. Put the record back on.
Heh! There's even a couple semitones rise near the end. That means they really mean it.
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