Connossieurs of bizarre and beautiful music, L'Iglootone asked me to do a mix for them and I was all like, "Totally". When I sent it over, they said it was a "chouette" present. So naturally as a non-French speaker I looked up chouette and found that it meant owl. Whaaa? Then I kept looking and found that it could also mean great. Oh. Okay. That makes much more sense, but I really like the term "owl present" too. Anyway cruise over yonder and grab my Excellent Snow mix and say hi to my Igloo friends. Hope y'all like it!
Here's the first track on the mix, by Swiss nutcase and sometimes Yes keyboardist Patrick Moraz. I originally heard this song when TommyBoy posted this ridiculously awesome video on my myspace...
i love the combination plates. like a recipe that is practiced and brought on the picnic. such colorful sounds that play on your palette and move you into places you never knew you had. its amazing how music does that, it can shrink distance and welcome you into its home like cozy guests. see you at the picnic.
Whoa! This mIx looks Crazy!! DiVshare is crashing on me. Anyone got it posted anywhere else?? Mad props in advance for that video and Patrick Moraz treats. Fiending out to get this mix before my stupid train to work. Without this mix I'll be too restless!! Keep rocking!
i love the combination plates. like a recipe that is practiced and brought on the picnic. such colorful sounds that play on your palette and move you into places you never knew you had. its amazing how music does that, it can shrink distance and welcome you into its home like cozy guests.
see you at the picnic.
Congrats! I saw you were in the top 5 Hot Blogs on Elbows. That's killer!
Haven't listened to your mix yet, just got it...can't wait!
I'll be in SF in August!!!
can't watch the vid.
really enjoying your mix tho!
omg. that vid is freaking hi-larious.
hot dog sean, am dl-ing the mix as i write!
Sean! It's fantastic! Great work!
does anyone know the name of the last song he's playing in the video?
That switched on bach-esque piece is Chess from the Future Memories album Tim.
Thanks everyone for your kind words on the mix guys, they mean a lot to me.
Whoa! This mIx looks Crazy!! DiVshare is crashing on me. Anyone got it posted anywhere else?? Mad props in advance for that video and Patrick Moraz treats. Fiending out to get this mix before my stupid train to work. Without this mix I'll be too restless!! Keep rocking!
Hey Matthew! If its still not working for you when you get back from work, email me and I'll send an owl present your way...
The use of Big Ego's in the mix is so dope... drops so ill! The whole mix is next levy.
"chouette" sounds also a little bit outdated. more like "neat" :)
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